Festival 2022


  • Let me tell you… all lies. Dance cabaret performance by colectivodoszeta / Carlos A. Cruz Velazquez at Pangea Restaurant: A psychedelic spectacular featuring Mexican artist, Carlos A. Cruz Velázquez, inviting the audience into a journey of self-acceptance through music, dance, costume reveals, and dramatic stupidity. (Manhattan) 


  • Film screening de Los Guardianes del maíz (The Keepers of Corn) and Closing Cocktail reception at La Nacional: Directed by Gustavo Vazquez and produced by Jonathan Barbieri. The film tells the story of native corn told by the indigenous farmers, artisans and cooks in Mexico. (Manhattan) 
  • Documentary Screening and Q&A of What We Leave Behind at The Museum of the Moving Image: Iliana Sosa creates an intimate, lovingly patient portrait of her 89-year-old grandfather Julián. Following the screening, the Q&A with director Iliana Sosa. (Queens) 


  • ¡Viva la Revolución, Viva la Masa! With Sobre Masa: Celebrating Mexican Revolution Day at Sobre Masa tortilleria & restaurant! Mexican chef Zack Wangeman  and his wife Diana Wangerman created a special three course menu for the occasion. (Brooklyn) 


  • Quetzalcoatl – Aztec Tales, Legends, and Music at Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center: Family event featuring Mexican Storyteller, Valentina Ortiz, and Los Mariachi Angeles de New York. (Manhattan) 
  • Quetzalcoatl – Aztec Tales, Legends, and Music at El Barrio ‘s Artspace PS109: Family event featuring Mexican Storyteller, Valentina Ortiz, and Los Mariachi Angeles de New York. (Manhattan) 


  • Prayers for the Stolen with Author Jennifer Clement at The Center of Fiction: A conversation about the novel with author Jennifer Clement moderated by Mexican journalist and writer Naief Yehya. (Brooklyn) 


  • Mexico Now – Mexamorphosis at Americas Society: In collaboration with the music program of the Americas Society “Music of the Americas”. Led by Guadalupe Peraza, Mexamorphosis, created cross-cultural concerts that featured solo and polyphonic western early music in dialogue with traditional African, Turkish, and Mexican instrumentation. (Manhattan) 


  • Contemporary Mexican Photography with Martha Naranjo Sandoval at Baxter St Camera Club of New York: An interactive conversation with Mexican photographer and visual artist Martha Naranjo Sandoval, in which she will discuss her practice. (Manhattan) 
